Saturday, April 18, 2009

Pride and Prejudice of Languages

By Muhammad Asadullah

The most important aspect of a language is it’s charismatic power to bind people with each other . .In our day to day life if we want to get some one’s favor, the key to open the door of his heart is to speak in his or her mother tongue. A famous couplet of Persian says, , Zuban-e Yar Mun Turkey Vo Mun Turkey Nami Danum ,Che Khub boode agar boode Zubanash Dar Dhane Mun .

(My beloved’s language is Turkey which I don’t know; how better it would be if I would have her tongue (language) in my mouth.

Languages are not merely a medium of expression but an asset to be boast about. Nations and people always feel proud of their respective language for different reasons. Some on their being sweetest one, some for their literary heritage, other for their sound and vocabulary and there are some ancient languages a matter of pride for the nation. Arabians were so much proud of their skill of oratory and art of speaking, therefore they would call themselves Arab and say rest of the world, ‘Ajam’ means deaf.

When Sarojini Naidu,famous poetess showed her poems to a British writer, he had a strong objection to her on being a creative writer of English ,as he thought it was the only privilege of British.

In Urdu language famous poet Meer Taqi Meer says ,Reekhta Mein Hum Se Gugtagoo Mat Kar ,Yeh Hamari Zuban Hai Pyare (don't try to have a conversation in Reekhta with us as it is our language( Earlier Urdu language had been called Reekhta)

An other Poet Dagh Dehelvi says :Urdu Hai Jis Ka Nam Hum hi Jante Hain Dagh ,Sare Jahan Mein Dhoom Hamari Zuban Ki Hai.(We are ,the only one ,well versed in world famous ,Urdu language)

The history of languages contains a number of similar examples, which shows people exaggerating merit and greatness of their languages and at the same time they degrade others. In fact literary heritage is a matter of pride for a nation as well as for the people associated to it. But, this love and the pride, some times, had given way to the hatred for other languages too. We know that the people of France are against English. In India Southern states have disliking for Hindi. Similar situation is with Urdu and Hindi in U.P., where these two languages are considered rival to each other. The other day, a comment of a scholar, speaking regarding languages, shocked me. He said: the division of states in India is based on languages, we cant ignore this harsh reality that languages had divided our country .

This is a co-incident that we witness both the sides of reality in our society. I meet a number of people whose mother tongue is either Hindi or Marathi, they are eager to learn Urdu, so that they may enjoy the rich literary treasure of Urdu Ghazal directly through it’s original script. The attention for Urdu language may be for its literary characteristic, particularly for the form of Ghazal.
Ghazal is really very much useful for common man as well as for lovers and even for politicians too .It has a number of couplets enable you to express your heart so skillfully and in an artistic manner , It is helpful to contact to the person you want to convey your feelings, which is not possible in plain conversation.

Thursday, April 16, 2009

Why Muslim voters avoid voting?




A question may arise again in the storm of present Loksabha election of India.
One of the reasons may be the bitter experiences the whole community  has gone through after the independence of this country. The voters know that they  have been only used for the selfish motifs of different political parties; no one is really interested in their problems.

I know many people who said that neither had they franchised their vote in the whole life nor they are interested in future too.

I think this is a sort of expression of anger, over present political set up. They have no belief on political parties, as they know that though these political parties look like trees; standing on distance from each other, but their root are connected to each other ,or they will join each other after election on the name of Gat Bandhan, or political alliances, because their ultimate goal is power ,they will get it by hook or crook. 

To elect a political party is not a selection between good and bad because no one is there neat and clean .We have to make selection between corrupt and less corrupt.

Most of the people; we see active in election, Are all of them are pining for the betterment of our country? No .Most of them has their personal interest or problems which they want to solve with the help of ruling party. There are some people  who call their community in the election for opposing particular candidate and vote for him. These candidates know that they will definitely loss this election, still they are fighting, and the only reason behind it is that they want to cut the votes of a party whose opponent had given them money.

Many Muslim ,as I know avoid voting just because they think that whoever will be in power, will  not benifit the country  ,his friends will do nothing to solve problems of  the country and act as corrupt people of the last regime had acted ,so why we should take responsibility to elect bad people.

Still I think, if we don’t use our voting power to stop corrupt people in our country, and the forces which may be a threat for the society and country, so we will be also responsible for not playing our role in this play of social set up. I think we should try our level best to aside the destructive forces, at least at the front of ballot box. 

Sunday, April 12, 2009



Muhammad Asadullah 

I think to be a common man is to be in a position to enjoy a natural and a peaceful life.


  I think it was a great change in Mr. ‘B’, after his promotion as an in-charge of his department; he would avoid joining the band of his colleague during the lunch break. Perhaps after elevated on a post upper then others, he thought, it was not proper to stand having tea, near a roadside tea stall, with his juniors. At that moment he didn’t remain a common man like others. I have seen many officers and the people enjoying a special status in society, avoid public places and even they don’t intend to meet the people not belonging to their cadre. Such types of people live in their own ivory tower. Mostly, these people are found detached from real life, their gain proves to be at the cost of a loss.

 After a year, an employee who was senior than Mr. ‘R ’, represented himself and replaced at the post of Mr. ‘R’, so he was reverted on his former post and joined us as usual. It doesn’t mean that real joy of a life is only lies in the life style of a common man, but surely it is not in a mess of so many bindings and restrictions. A common man has no need to wear mask neither he has to adopt double standard, which becomes very necessary for celebrities, in this sense, I think, he is closer to life. Perhaps, this is a justice of Almighty God, that when He bestows some privileges to a V.I.P., the man don’t know that his gain has also a supplement of loss on the contrary same position is with the common man that though he has been deprived of those special things, but still he belongs advantages of being a common man.

I don’t know how many people in this world aspire to be a V.I.P., as for as my personal intention is concerned, I have never desired to do so as I think to be a common man is to be in a position to enjoy a natural and a peaceful life .Now a days to remain a common man is not so easy as every individual in our society has been put on a track where the ultimate goal of life is to achieve a place for himself which may provide him an identity and his behavior may suit the life style of our age, and it is sure that this ideal attitude is not of an ordinary man’s behavior. Every age brings its own requirements, and the people living in that particular period mould themselves accordingly.

Thursday, April 9, 2009

Poverty in India

The nation, once upon a time, known as the golden bird, enchanted by the slogan Gharibi Hatao, crowned the politicians who coined these word, still repent for its miserable condition. There are certain socio economical as well as political factors responsible for the problem. Though many waters have been flown during the passage of time after independence, in spite of abundant natural resources and the great man power available in this country, inexplicable condition of human life here is a matter of concern for concerning authority, but who cares. 

Some people have an opinion that the ideological back ground of Indian society, a creation of our religious thinking, though it may be created by Hindu, Muslim, Sikh and Buddhist religion, always preferred poverty to prosperity. 

Islam’s concept of ‘’Tassawwuf’’ denounced worldly grandeur and preferred good deeds and charity, “Maya” and “Mitthya” in Hindu Philosophy have same notion ,Gautam Budh ,the Prince of Patliputra had disowned his Kingdom and gone towards forest in search of peace. All these evidences show t wealth hat various religions in our country had always discouraged the, pomp and show , wealth and worldly luxuries.

The accumulation of wealth in some hands was always criticized in our country. Our moral values gave stress on philanthropy and charity. Capitalism was always at stake in our society but the consequences of poverty and unemployment were also ignored, though it is equally dangerous, leading towards corruption followed a number of crimes in our society.

Neither poverty nor prosperity to be blamed for a corrupt society, it depends upon the behavior of people. Individuals in a society must be trained to utilize the resources in hand skillfully and honestly.

It is a tragedy of Indian society our youth are unable to get suitable jobs despite of education, they observe corruption and discrimination and it creates frustration and nervous ness among them. The unrest on this issue among new generation is dangerous for the society and this situation may give way to the chaws and even antagonist a
ttitude. Terrorism in some part of our country is also a reaction of this problem, which should be curbed from grass root level.

Monday, April 6, 2009

An Obscene poster - In present scenario of Lok Sabha Election

Muhammad Asadullah

It was during my stay for education in Aurangabad.,my friend Mr. M. was worried about the happenings in our country. Those were the days, people were unsatisfied with their life full of restlessness, and the efforts from present government, to change the state of affair, were doubtful.

M r. M used to advocate a new political party, during the discussion, which would, in his view, better than present one and efficient to solve the problems.

In my opinion the first priority of this politician is power. They are least interested in any change, particularly if it does not yield those benefits they are desirous for. Most of The politicians are in this field for selfish motif. If a person come in this arena with the desire to eradicate all the evils, his colleague will not allow him to do so because they gain all they want from this corrupt atmosphere. If the whole system will be neat and clean, a lot of people will be deprived of their booty.

Still Mr. M. was buoyant with his dream.

It was a fine morning; we were just strolling in a market. We saw a young man standing by a wall scratching a poster; obviously it had been of an English movie.

Mr. M. said,’ I think, he may be a social worker from a party against these dirty things, came in our country with western culture, look! He is not a man, he is my ideal government.’

I was also surprised and pleased to see the effort of a young man to remove obscene posters from wall of our streets.
They next moment he also snatched the transitory pleasure from our faces, as the young man, after removing the poster insert his hand in his bag and took out another new poster and pasted it on the wall. We Bothe stride near him to have a closer view, and to our surprise, the new poster was many time obscene than previous one.