Thursday, April 16, 2009

Why Muslim voters avoid voting?




A question may arise again in the storm of present Loksabha election of India.
One of the reasons may be the bitter experiences the whole community  has gone through after the independence of this country. The voters know that they  have been only used for the selfish motifs of different political parties; no one is really interested in their problems.

I know many people who said that neither had they franchised their vote in the whole life nor they are interested in future too.

I think this is a sort of expression of anger, over present political set up. They have no belief on political parties, as they know that though these political parties look like trees; standing on distance from each other, but their root are connected to each other ,or they will join each other after election on the name of Gat Bandhan, or political alliances, because their ultimate goal is power ,they will get it by hook or crook. 

To elect a political party is not a selection between good and bad because no one is there neat and clean .We have to make selection between corrupt and less corrupt.

Most of the people; we see active in election, Are all of them are pining for the betterment of our country? No .Most of them has their personal interest or problems which they want to solve with the help of ruling party. There are some people  who call their community in the election for opposing particular candidate and vote for him. These candidates know that they will definitely loss this election, still they are fighting, and the only reason behind it is that they want to cut the votes of a party whose opponent had given them money.

Many Muslim ,as I know avoid voting just because they think that whoever will be in power, will  not benifit the country  ,his friends will do nothing to solve problems of  the country and act as corrupt people of the last regime had acted ,so why we should take responsibility to elect bad people.

Still I think, if we don’t use our voting power to stop corrupt people in our country, and the forces which may be a threat for the society and country, so we will be also responsible for not playing our role in this play of social set up. I think we should try our level best to aside the destructive forces, at least at the front of ballot box. 


  1. Assalamu'alaikum Wr,Wb

    Pak Karamu reading your blogs

  2. Muhtaram PakKaramu
    Assalamu Alaikum,
    Thanks for the comment. Hope you will be with us in future too. InshaAllah
    You may visit my another blog.
